
Headphones for the deaf

Designed with the deaf community, Resonance aims to celebrate the differences of being deaf and express the engagement of music in the deaf/Deaf community.


Hearing aids and other devices for the deaf are often made to blend in, creating a notion that it is a weakness that people have to conceal.

Resonance aims to break this idea and make something bold that feels like you're empowered while showing off how you are unique in your own way.


User Interaction

Using my previous background in IT, I was able to develop a functioning prototype by using bone conduction transducers and building a circuit from scratch, enabling one to feel the vibrations through their bone.

the circuit + people trying out bone-conduction

Research & Interviews

Direct guidance from companies like Woojer and Not Impossible Labs, who have experience with vibrational music - the research included different methods such as understanding the technical part and how the aesthetic would fit in with the people within the community.

taking inspiration from contemporary jewelry to make a product that feels empowering like the accessories.

Form Finding

From sketching to low fidelity prototyping to quick renders to using clay and 3D printing, all forms of design methods were explored to land on the best possible design.


Thank you!

Design Language

Intentionally around the ears to show the 'absence' of ears + familiar language of headphones so people can quickly associate it with music while incorporating elements of jewelry for empowering effect.


